10 ways to increase your productivity

October 1, 2014



Who doesn’t love fall? Cooler days, chilly nights, bon fires, changing leaves, glutinous family feasts and get togethers…life just seems to slow down and take on a different pace. And with 3 or so more months to spare before we have to start declaring our New Year’s Resolutions for 2015, why not finish 2014 on a strong note? Accomplish the goals that you set for yourself and relish in the satisfaction that a goal set was a goal accomplished. If you are needing a little boost and some encouragement to follow through, then take heed to the advice that Xenios Thrasyvoulou, contributing writer for the South Florida Business Journal, suggested for increasing your motivation and productivity. 10 simple, sensible, and practical ways to finish 2014 with the vim and vigor and give yourself more time in work and in life.

Think of yourself as the customer rather than the boss

The culture of telling people what to do because you’re the boss is dangerous. It removes accountability from people taking decisions and creates a safety net. If you’re the customer, you can define what really matters to you.

Get out of the office

You can gain a new perspective with a change of scenery and some fresh air.

Block out time in your calendar to think

Block time to think about the things that really matter before other people fill your calendar with things that don’t.

Press the reset button every morning

Wake up and reset your priorities each morning. Leave what happened yesterday behind you. Ask yourself what’s important for the day ahead which helps you maintain focus.

Have no more than three priorities

Priorities are not to-do lists. Your to-do list may be endless, but you should have no more than three priorities at any point in time. You will find that most things are not priorities — they are nice-to-do’s.

Remind yourself of your next goal every day

It’s so easy to get off track with so many things happening in your business and personal life. Even if you are not 100 percent sure about your final goal, not having one or forgetting your goals is much worse.

Set large goals for yourself

Small easily achievable goals are pointless because they set a precedence of mediocrity and complacency. Set big goals. They will stretch everyone to keep rethinking the path to success each day.

Figure out your optimal time to work

Some people think better in groups and others better alone. Some are early risers and some are night owls. Figure out what you are and plan around to it.

Leave time for doing nothing

Giving your brain empty space is important for recharging and creative thought. When your day is overscheduled and over programmed, you are likely to be less productive and satisfied with your efforts.

Let someone else do the work for you

To give yourself time for nothing, the flexibility to work when you feel most motivated, and be your own boss, why not let someone else do the work for you. Officing at Lakeside Executive Suites allows you to do just that.  You no longer have to worry about presenting a professional image, finding a professional meeting space, leasing/buying costly real estate, furnishing your office, staffing your office, taking calls, making copies, finding someone to clean, paying for utilities,…etc. Lakeside Executive suites has all that covered and more.  We have all the perks and amenities you need at a price any business owner can afford.

The margin you gain in your professional and personal life by choosing Lakeside Executive Suites is all the motivation you need to complete the goals you already set for yourself and dream even bigger next time. Part of staying motivated and productive is knowing when to make a change and pass off some of the responsibilities to increase your possibilities.

Visit us on the web at www.lesweston.com or call (877) 301-6197 to learn more.


Source: South Florida Business Journal

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