4 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Small Business

May 1, 2015


Even though “spring cleaning” and “business” may not be synonymous, there are lots of ways that small businesses can benefit from a mini organizational face-lift. The path to greatness doesn’t come without effort so here are 4 tips to get you started on the right path.

1. Use cloud accounting software.

Cloud accounting software, designed for small businesses, can simplify the entire accounting process for any business owner. It provides accounting essentials that include a general ledger, the capability to create detailed invoices or view purchase history and business inventory. You don’t need to purchase expensive accounting software programs to gain the support your business needs. With software programs like Xero or QuickBooks, you can take an online tour or even sign-up for a free trial period.

2. Get your small business vision down on paper.

Spring is a great time to get your vision down on paper. Many small business owners are so busy focusing on the day-to-day that they don’t have a clear vision for the future. Look at long and short-term goals first and then devise strategies that can help get you into a position to grow your business, accounting for immediate and future growth. Dream big but make your vision as real and concrete as possible. Focus on a few key strategies to deliver your vision over the next year. It’s better to do a few things well then choose ten different strategies and not execute on any of them well.

3. Step up your online presence and social media.

Having a strong online presence is key to any successful business. If you need a website refresh, there are inexpensive services that can help you upgrade like GoDaddy or WordPress. Investigate your online customer ratings and comments on sites like Yelp and Facebook. You must be responsive and address issues and concerns online quickly…this helps put a human face to your business and can boost word-of-mouth referrals. If Facebook and Twitter are a good fit for your business, get help if you need it. There are targeted and cost effective advertising programs that are easy to put in place and can be less expensive than other traditional marketing initiatives.

4. Have fun with your business.

You’re part of the American Dream –not everyone gets to run a small business! Continue to pour your heart and soul into your company. The economy is picking up speed, business is improving, and small business owners are in a great position to succeed. Spring is a great time to inject fun back into your company’s culture. As the company leader, get excited about the opportunity to have fun while you work. A positive attitude can be contagious.

If it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start spring cleaning your business, then Lakeside Executive Suites has the tools to help you get started. Lakeside Executive Suites is a full service office space provider that gives you the support staff, space, and time back in your day to focus on your business. We are South Florida’s premier workspace solution offering a prestigious Weston mailing address, receptionist services, great meeting facilities, and a full range of support services. Which means after your spring cleaning is done, we will help your business thrive all year long.

To learn more visit us on the web at www.lesweston.com or call (954) 389-2511.

Source: Young Upstarts

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